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Experience. Dedication. 


Founder and CEO
Taiwo Ayedun
Taiwo co-founded CreditRegistry Corporation in 2001. He was previously a software engineer at Microsoft Corporation. Taiwo also founded CreditRegistry Nigeria in 2003; he established the company as Nigeria's pioneer and foremost private credit bureau company. Taiwo manages company vision and leads technology direction at CreditRegistry.
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Senior Software Engineer
Eric Mutta
Eric Mutta is a Senior Software Engineer and former startup entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in the industry. He enjoys solving planet-scale problems using solutions that are simple but effective. When he is not busy at his computer, Eric enjoys watching movies and having lengthy discussions about anything and everything.
Chief Data Scientist
Jes Freemantle
Jes Freemantle is CreditRegistry’s Chief Data Scientist. Jes is a leading credit scoring specialist with over 30 years of scorecard development experience. He became an independent consultant in 1995 after 10 years at the Experian Group where he was an Associate Director. His credit scoring philosophy is based on the belief that the practical and business issues that underpin each scorecard development are of paramount importance for any project to be a success. For 15 years he consulted in South Africa where he mentored and advised the scorecard development team at one of SA’s largest banks.
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